Nocturnal Wenchy

African Hips Don't Lie

Freedom in old age (Gratitude 7/150)

…. just another word for nothing left to lose, huh?

Something few people know about me is that I am petrified of not having enough money when I retire. It scares me endless that I may be a burden on my children. I don’t want to be their problem.

Now, I am actually pretty old school. Even two divorces didn’t cure me…. I believe a man must be the provider and look after his wife and children. I know right? Who still does this? La la land.

Well, I guess the trick to this is to marry someone who views marriage similarly. My husband works long hours, he works hard and he takes pride in what he provides all of us with.

This does not mean we have extra to spare and I can become a stay at home Mom or Wife….. It means I work because I have obligations and responsibilities towards our children, our household and our future and eventually our retirement.

I work for a financial institution that administers pension and provident funds amongst other things, and my husband runs a team of financial advisors at a rival ha ha ha company so we both very aware of financial freedom in retirement.

I am thankful today that I have the job that I have that allows and encourages me to prepare for retirement. I am thankful that I have been able to increase my contribution ever so slightly but in the long run I trust it will pay off.

I am thankful that as a couple our vision is similar when it comes to retirement. I admit I have no desire to work until I am 60 and with my health issues that is highly unlikely, so it is important to do what we can NOW.

Btw, I have no intention of leaving my children an inheritance, just as I have never expected to be given one. I want to enjoy whatever I end up with when I am old. Take a cruise, fly somewhere exotic and LIVE!

Sorry kids. Get cracking. Sincerely, The Mom xxx

PS. Noid says if he was writing the blog today he would simply say he is thankful for fillet steak. 🙂

Posted by Wenchy from the second cloud on your left with WordPress for BlackBerry.

8 responses to “Freedom in old age (Gratitude 7/150)”

  1. I too believe in planning for retirement. Especially since I work for my very own self, so I have to do that by myself!
    I have told me parents I’ll be pissed if they leave me money lol


  2. The steak was awesome. Thanks for the really proper supper last night.

    Heres to financial advisers all over who everyone should be thankful for!

    Anyone need help with Retirement planning.

    I am good at it apparently.


  3. Gosh, I agree – no child has any right to an inheritance, but I do not want to be a burden to them too.


  4. The question isn’t at what age I want to retire, it’s at what income. ~George Foreman


  5. You are so right to plan for retirement. So many of us don’t (read me) and the time comes faster than you want! You have to plan big, however. What little I did save is now practically worthless.


  6. […] It’s just that I read a blog the other day that got me to thinking about it. How important it really is. I should know. I did a really crappy job of it. Here’s a link if you would like to read the post. The Nocturnal Wenchy […]


  7. As we are responsible for a parent who did not make provision for old age, I so know what you mean. I never, never want to be a burden on my daughter one day. However, I am one of those people who should never, never stop working – I will surely die – which is why I decided that I am not going to wait until I am old one day before I start seeing the world 🙂


  8. This is something that drives me barmy too!


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About Me

Mom to many, wife to SirNoid. Lover of water, walks in the shade and all things purple.