Nocturnal Wenchy

African Hips Don't Lie

ϻiϛϛinԍ ϻų ßãƅų Ɠãԍã (Gratitude 14/150)

I never expected to be a cat lady. I make fun of single woman with cats and during my divorce I often said oh shit, that’s gonna be me! Mom even bought me a stuffed cat as a joke!

Then a married me met, ϻų ßãƅų Ɠãԍã. Unexpectedly I fell in love with her because she looked so vulnerable. I picked up a kitten for the first time and I cried. I am thankful that my 38 year dislike for animals turned to compassion.

Noid and I went shopping as if I was about to give birth. I am thankful Noid humoured my first ever pet experience.

ϻų ßãƅų Ɠãԍã came home. Everyone loved her and she was so sweet. She was not overly playful, she never ate lots and was cuddled lots. I just loved her.

Day before yesterday, around 6pm she was sleeping on my lap while I was working. Next moment she jumped up and had a seizure, lying on the ground shivering. I called Kev who she slept with at night and raced to the vet.

The vet examined her and immediately very kindly said her liver is failing and there was nothing we could do. He suggested we admit her overnight but made it clear we were just buying time.

I just couldn’t leave her. We took the meds, fed her with a syringe and made her comfortable. Kev was clearly upset.

On the morning of dear Victoria’s 12th birthday, ϻų ßãƅų Ɠãԍã had deteriorated excessively. She could not hold her own body weight up. I just cried. It was difficult as we knew we had no choice to sing happy birthday to Victoria and have the kids say goodbye.

ϻų ßãƅų Ɠãԍã, my Noid and I went to the vet. I cried. It was horrible. My only feeling that I didn’t want ϻų ßãƅų Ɠãԍã to be in pain. The vet confirmed her liver had failed and there was nothing we could do to make her better. I felt heart broken.

I held and kissed ϻų ßãƅų Ɠãԍã… and the vet took her away.

I am very thankful that I had the time I did with ϻų ßãƅų Ɠãԍã. I finally understood how much a animal could mean to a human, a life lesson to be honest.

Victoria’s bbm status said how much she love ßãƅų Ɠãԍã and that she hoped she liked kitty heaven.

ϻų ßãƅų Ɠãԍã…… Today I kept hearing your bell all day. I missed caring for you, holding you and stroking you. I am grateful you were here, even for a short time.

I cried for you.

Posted by Wenchy from the second cloud on your left with WordPress for BlackBerry.

20 responses to “ϻiϛϛinԍ ϻų ßãƅų Ɠãԍã (Gratitude 14/150)”

  1. Oh honey. This made me so, so sad. I am so sorry for your loss.xx


  2. ((((HUGS)))))


  3. OMW Christel, I had no idea!!
    I’m so sorry for your loss :(( It’s just horrible losing a pet


  4. I’m so sorry for your loss. Losing a pet is like losing a piece of your heart. ((hugs))


  5. It is amazing the effect an animal can have on a person. It is so sad that you lost Baby Gaga so soon but I’m glad you have experienced the human/animal bond… Personally, I don’t know what I would do without my 40kg black lab. He will always be my puppy.


  6. Very sad. 😦 I hope you can find that joy in a new pet some day. I know what it feels like when you lose a pet so attached to your heart. I am very sad for your loss. BIG hugs.


  7. I am crying for her, too! I am so sad, but also really happy you’ve come to experience the love for her.


  8. like we said on bbm… there don’t seem to be words that mean enough. i’m holding you tight my friend.


  9. xxx


  10. Im so sorry, thats heartbreaking..the experience was so valuable though, the comfort of an animal is amazing..x


  11. I’m so sorry. I hate caring and then gone. I’m proud you took these big steps my sister. She was a lady.I’m truely sorry for your loSs. I love you


  12. I’m so so sorry this has to happen.


  13. I’m sorry to hear about this loss you and your family are suffering – are you going to get a new cat now?


  14. Lady Cayte will make all those feelings of loss disappear.


  15. So sorry for your loss – they really are just another family member – no less.


  16. (((((((HUGS)))))))


  17. I am so sorry!


  18. My heart broke for you when I heard the news. I still have a big hole in my heart that is shaped like my precious Taxi cat.


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About Me

Mom to many, wife to SirNoid. Lover of water, walks in the shade and all things purple.