Nocturnal Wenchy

African Hips Don't Lie

sunrise, sunrise

It is my birthday in 7 days.

I miss my friend Vicky who lives in America.

Noid bought me a birthday gift I am not allowed to touch until my birthday! It is awesome!!!!

My party is this coming Saturday at 10:30am. I am looking forward to it! Hope everyone remembers their picnic food, drinks and blankets to sit on. I hope we don’t freeze our balls off {been listening to too much Billy Connolly lately} I made gorgeous party packs, yes, for the adults with a small something for the kids.

We having a family photo shoot next weekend since we will all be together. Wonder how Jenty is gonna love so many of us!!

Told the kids all to bring three outfits. One all black, one supporting a favourite sports team and one whatever they feel describe them best. I think Liam James may pose nude. Just saying. Yay!! I got the crazy ass kid!! Noid bought me kick ass purple tekkies I am gonna use.

I had my porn nails done on Friday and my toes painted, not that anyone will see my toes…. My second Brazilian blow out is booked with dear Michelle this week, so I can look fantastic. Well, as good as possible anyway!

You will all be proud. Never underestimate the power of a bi-polar Gemini with persistence! A girl who will nag until you wanna head for the silence in graveyards. My problems at work has been solved. Grateful doesn’t begin to describe my intense thanksgiving.

Especially to Noid who believed and QB who listened, offered to help hide bodies and my superiors whom I hope realised I could be more productive if I wasn’t having suicidal thoughts, or thoughts about stabbing specific people with my standard issue orange scissors in the neck.

My health issues continue and organ tests returned with encouraging results. My body is coping well. Another three months chemo has been prescribed, will see the doctor again then for more tests and see where we go from there.

My Tranquil Body Treats sales are soooo poor this month! Even with a fabulous selection of specials. Please, be kind….. I could loose my Distributor of the month title and that would be horrible.

My sock drive has not been very successful. I got one pair from the lovely Cat with a sweet card, cute and lovely! Thank you my friend, now the rest of you, please get cracking….. I can’t wear the same socks daily. 😛

What else have I not updated you on? Any questions dear reader?

I wish you a generosity of spirit and persistence.


8 responses to “sunrise, sunrise”

  1. Big family photoshoots FTW!


  2. I also want a proper family shoot !!! Also want to be at your party 😦 and get one of your kick-ass party packs. ai … life


  3. Hope you enjoy your party and your present.

    Things are going so well!!



  4. I’m glad that the situation at work is now sorted. Can only imagine how happy you must feel about that 🙂
    Can you tell us how to get the socks to you?


  5. Hey my friend, I’m looking forward to your b day party. There is still plenty time to claim your monthly distributorship. Enjoy the photo shoot, she is the best!


  6. We’re going to have SO much fun on Saturday :))


  7. Glad you loved your socks – settled for them as purple was hard to find. Enjoy your party – next time?


  8. Aww I really wanted it to be a surprise. But please keep checking your post box.


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About Me

Mom to many, wife to SirNoid. Lover of water, walks in the shade and all things purple.