Nocturnal Wenchy

African Hips Don't Lie

I’m shocked! @real_meals #banting @proftimnoakes

Dear friends and other interesting creatures –

#Banting. Wow – what a total way to mess with my head. As a fat person (none of us are blind) I am very well informed about food – all types. Hell, I’ve eaten enough of it. What I do know is that in my head you always reach for the low fat or non fat in everything. It is like a learned behaviour, and here comes  and turns it on its head.

My blogger friend, @SharonVW has been doing incredibly well and I am incredibly proud of her…. and incredibly jealous so naturally I had to give it a bash. Okay Sharon is also doing a nice amount of exercise where I walk to @KillarneyMall ….  First part was getting hold of the book, “Real Meal Revolution” which was a struggle I have to tell you. I left my card everywhere over a period of about three weeks and the only response I received was from @readerwarehouse in @norwoodmall – seriously.

I started my first #banting week last week Monday. I weighed in this morning, exactly 4kg lighter. Shocked and stunned!

I am still learning, so I cut out all obvious carbs, as well as all sugars. I have always drank lots of water so I have continued but it is harder in winter. I have eaten when I am hungry, and not just because it is a meal time. I have changed all my low fat everything to full cream. I add cream to my coffee, cooking with butter…. eating more eggs than usual, more protein. I have tried nuts which I don’t actually enjoying eating but I am experimenting. I have included LOTS of mushrooms and changed cheese to mature cheddar. Also eaten more tomato. Hardest thing this week was walking away from a bar one milkshake at Wimpy!

One week in I am not experiencing wild cravings. I did have one baby tiny potato with sour cream this week and did eat it very slowly and actually tasted it. I realised how I usually just eat and swallow, I don’t actually taste every bite… okay except when we were at @budmarsh_lodge  a couple weeks ago. I lingered on every bite. So maybe it is a bit like smelling the roses in a food way. LOL The other thing that I have found a bit difficult is only having water, tea or coffee. I usually do drink fruit juice… imagine all those sugars… eish.

Not the most fascinating of blogs I have ever written, forgive me. Between Tour De France, replying to Social Media Diva mails it has been a hectic morning.

I wish you enough,


16 responses to “I’m shocked! @real_meals #banting @proftimnoakes”

  1. The Blessed Barrenness avatar
    The Blessed Barrenness

    Well done Wenchy! LCHF FTW!
    Be prepared…. after the first month, your weight loss will slow and should average at about 1kg per week.
    Been the easiest lifestyle change I have ever made…. 25kg’s down and counting!
    Go you!


    1. I was hoping for 1kg this week so 1kg a week would be wonderful. Very well done on your weight loss. I am very inspired and proud of you.


      1. The Blessed Barrenness avatar
        The Blessed Barrenness

        Thanks so much Wenchy! I still can’t really believe it!


  2. Well done hunny! Keep at it 🙂


    1. Thank you my darling friend!!! xxxx


  3. Well done! Keep going!


    1. Thank you…. doing my best.


  4. Fantastic! Holding thumbs!


    1. Thank you. 🙂


  5. 4kg sounds great! I’m still trying to wrap my head around eating so much fat and the next to nothing carb


    1. Me too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It seriously messes with your head!


  6. Good luck and I’m proud of you.


    1. Dankie vriendin.


  7. Glad its working for you!


  8. Jackie Katzen avatar
    Jackie Katzen

    Wow, that is amazing!!! well done


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Mom to many, wife to SirNoid. Lover of water, walks in the shade and all things purple.