Nocturnal Wenchy

African Hips Don't Lie

31 reasons to fall in love with @Verushka143

1-Fullscreen capture 20160906 23310 PMWomen are made of Sugar and Spice and all things nice or so they tell us in the nursery rhymes we learn as toddlers. But it is true us women are rather complex with so many different sides to us.

1) I sing in the shower and let us just say I could audition for Idols and not be laughed at. Favourite shower song is from Pitch Perfect “Titanium by David Guetta and Sia“. Reminds of how strong I am and that I am a warrior.

2) As much as I love Technology , there are certain things I prefer the old fashioned way. Books for me need to be real and not ebooks. The feel of turning crisp clean pages,the smell of new pages and the sound of pages flipping send my soul to a happy place. I always carry a book on me.Literally I can spend hours in a book shop and lose track of time. Want to impress me ? Give me a copy of your favourite book !

3) A hopeless romantic who still believes in love even though my heart looks like a patchwork quilt.

4) I love making lists. Most people have a #BucketList of places they want to travel but I have several lists which include :

a) Books to read
b) Places to eat at around the world
c) Photos to capture
d) Experiences around the world

Spice5) I love watching Bollywood movies and I get lost in the magic of romance. I do not speak the language but over the years I have picked up the language by watching movies. My mum and I have days out where we go to get our Bollywood fix.

7) My parents live in the same house for the last forty years and we have the same phone number. Crazy especially as in this day and age people are constantly on the go.

8) My first teaching job was in the ‘lil town of Ixopo in KZN. I taught and lived at a boarding school. Alan Paton was a  Headmaster at this school and this was where he wrote Cry The Beloved country.

9) Vanilla is my most favourite spice. So be it perfume, tea or coffee there is always an underlying flavour of Vanilla.

10) Going down stairs, are a nightmare for me especially if there are more than 5 steps and they are narrow. I have a phobia of falling down the stairs though once I did fall up on a flight of stairs.

11) I have a real job besides my blog. Having studied an Education degree ,I have taught in schools and in London. Currently well for the last 5 years I have been lecturing at a local TVET College. I start work at 12 midday and finish at 8pm.

12) My most favourite chocolate in the world is Lindt. More specifically the Red Lindor Balls.

13) Mildly addicted to all things British. After living in London for almost a decade I know a cup of tea is always a good idea, a fry up breakfast is the best hangover cure and YES I still watch BBC soapies.

14) Rose Gold is my favourite metal and has been for over ten years. Fell in love with this metal after I discovered I love the colour pink. Long story cut short but hard to believe that once upon a time I hated the colour pink.

15) I have a medical condition called Keloids. This means my scar tissue over heals and leave excess skin and tissue in the form of lumps on my body. I have gotten keloids from my baby injections on my arm and on my eyes from having my ears pierced with a surgical gun.

16) I have 3 tattoos and still plan on getting more.

17) I do not feel dressed unless I have a watch on. I have on some occasions worn a dead watch as the battery had died and I felt bare with it on my wrist.

18) I have been bitten by the Travel Bug and all I want to do is travel. Through my blog I have been fortunate enough to get some opportunities.

19) I take daily Chronic medication for High Blood Pressure.

20) I love cooking for my loved ones. I see myself as the Indian Nigella.

21) When ever I watch any sporting matches and hear the South African National Anthem I get goosebumps and get all teary.

22) The name of my blog is inspired by a movie called Mistress of the Spices.

23) Mad about animal print currently on my lust list is an animal print sari.

24) I started my Twitter account before I started blogging.

25) I love statement jewellery. My sense of fashion includes combining my Eastern looks with Western statement jewellery.

26) Once upon a time I had my nose pierced but removed it after 3 years.

27) After watching the Stephen King movie “IT “ as a child I am rather afraid of clowns.

28) I love taking pictures of my world and myself. I used to be very self conscious about the way I look but not anymore. Love me for all my flaws or leave me be.

29) I used to not be an animal person but that all changed when I got my first puppy four years ago and now I own 2 dogs Chai and Zara.

30) As a plus size girl I am proud to be a Brand Ambassador for Curvy Girls Chronicles which is a Body Positivity Campaign in America with ambassadors around the world.

31) Proudly South African with a deep rooted Indian cultural identity.

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Be Inspired !

Verushka Ramasami

2 responses to “31 reasons to fall in love with @Verushka143”

  1. You lots in common with @nocturnalwenchy. 😀

    Thanks for sharing


    1. Miss Spice goddess and I do have lots in common. 🙂


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Mom to many, wife to SirNoid. Lover of water, walks in the shade and all things purple.